Wednesday 31 May 2017

Pass Multiple Choice Without Knowing S***

Image result for multiple choice questions

Time for yours truly to teach you guys how I answer questions I don't know shit about in multiple choice tests.
  • Pick the odd one out. If all the answers are long and suddenly there's one that's super short or vice versa then that's your answer.
  • Pick one of the two answers that are almost identical. That means that they either mean almost the same thing or sound the same.
  • Eliminate the ones that you are 100% sure are wrong and BOOM! You've got yourself the answer.
  • Close your eyes. Pray. Randomly circle.

BOOM! You're all set now!

Image result for you're welcome dog meme

To Do List for Secondary School

  1. Take photos with friends. Lots of them.
    I always avoided photos. I hated being in them so moved a step or two to the side when my friend were taking selfies. Sometimes, they managed to coerce me into taking one or two with them. Those are the only pictures I have now and I treasure them. It's my biggest regret. Now, that I'm in college I try to take a few every week and I love going through old pictures months later. Me and my friend are even planning to make a 4 year picture album for when we graduate.
  2. Do something crazy
    I had never skipped school without a legitimate reason. Cold? Fever? Nausea? Cramps? To school I went; Mainly out of fear of my mom. At the end Form 4, the year end exam was over and everyone was just stuck in a science lab playing card games and loitering around school. After dozens(52 but who's counting, right?) of UNO games with one of my closest friends, we spontaneously decided to walk to the mall. It was raining but there was nothing going on at school anyway. So, we walked half an hour in the rain and when we reached the mall, I asked her if she wanted to watch a movie. She only had 10 cents on her. Understandable, seeing as we had made the decision so suddenly. So, we did what any sane person would do. We did the same thing the next day. We got our friend who was the vice class monitor wrote us in as present and we walked to the mall before school started. The mall wasn't open yet so we played UNO on the ground outside the mall. When it opened, we made a beeline straight to the cinema and watched The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1, the day it was released in Malaysia. It remains my favourite memory from my 11 years in school.

Saturday 31 December 2016


Living in a small town makes you take certain things for granted and I think one of the things I never really appreciated as much as I should've is my friends.  I've known most of my friends for at least 5 years and my long time friend has been with me for 11 years now. We've all spent our days in secondary school, sometimes playing around but occasionally lending a shoulder to cry on. It's probably because I've spent practically everyday with them that I had come to take my time with them for granted by the time SPM ended. After that, I probably met up with my friends once or twice a week.

At the same time, my 62 year old father had been reuniting with old friends from days long past. As they talk about the good ol' days, I see his eyes light up. Seeing him look so nostalgic and sentimental seeing them again, I wondered to myself will I too one day come to miss these idiotic friends of mine as much as he does? Every time I thought about it, I kinda teared up. Who will I talk bout the latest anime or manga with? Who should I test my lame jokes on? Who will I have heated debates with? Will we inevitably grow apart? Will we forget all about each other and all these memories? Will there come a day when we will lose the chance to ever meet them again in this lifetime?

I met up with them as much as I could, outing after outing went by until it finally came to the last one before I had to leave for university in the US. As time raced past and the end of the outing came closer, I thought to myself, "Oh my god, I'm actually gonna miss these idiots".

Now, me and my friends aren't very sentimental kind of people, so we just threw around a bunch of jokes and on the plane I went. There was no send off or anything but I liked it that way. It meant that this wouldn't be the last time they would see me.

After getting to the US, I made new friends but whenever friends from home tagged me in posts on Facebook it still made me feel happy. It gave me the satisfaction in knowing that no matter how far apart we were, we would always be friends.

The moral of the story is appreciate the time you have to spend with your friends cause you're going to miss them. To any of my friends that might read this, I know I may get on your nerves sometimes, do things that you don't like or said something insensitive and for that I apologise. I really love hanging out with you guys and I'm really glad we met.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Indefinite Hiatus

Hey guys I will be going on an indefinite hiatus because I'm really busy with university. I'm on a scholarship and I wanna keep up with my grades so I'm gonna be taking a break from blogging. I hope to be able to do some blogging during the holidays but that's just a maybe. Talk to you guys later.