
Friday 27 November 2015

The Frustrations of An SPM Candidate

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been able to post much lately. I've been pretty busy with my SPM(Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) exams and I actually still have one paper left.

I wasn't planning on posting until my exams were over with but recently a serious incident came to my attention which is the death of an SPM candidate from SMK Raja Abdullah. He had committed suicide immediately after Paper 1 of Additional Mathematics because he was frustrated about being unable to answer the questions. He came from a single parent home and was upset that he would not be able to receive a scholarship and that he would be putting a financial burden on his mother to send him to university.

I heard about this suicide case through Twitter when I was scrolling through the #spm2015 tweets which is basically where the SPM students go to vent their frustrations after every exam. I have heard of many suicide cases like this when I was younger but to be really honest, most of the time, the news just passed through one ear and left out the other. I would think to myself about how sad it was but I was not personally emotionally affected by them.

This time, it was different. I could relate to him. I felt completely hopeless and dejected after that very same paper that he had killed himself over. Right after the Additional Mathematics paper, all the students in my school left the examination hall in a very uncharacteristic silence. Dejected, depressed, frustrated and suicidal. I felt all those emotions during every single one of my exams for SPM but the stress really came to its height after the Add. Maths paper. The questions were so hard and completely different from the years before. I felt like all that hard work doing past year questions were for naught. Questions that had consistently come out every year for SPM suddenly disappeared(Circular Measures).

Monday 16 November 2015

Pendidikan Moral 2015(Form 4 & 5)

Notes I took during a "Teknik Menjawab Moral" held by my Form 5 Moral teacher, Pn. Tan. 
It shows how to answer both the subjective questions and the essays.