
Saturday 31 January 2015

How to Pull A Kickass All-Nighter

Chances are, you've probably pulled an all nighter at least once or twice right?
And this is just my guess but it probably went a little something like this...


 I'm guessing that the day after that you probably acted a little like Princess Bubblegum over here.

Meh. No biggie. Nothing wrong with a little procrastination here and there. Right guys? Riiiiiiiight? 

Anyways, I digress. For all my fellow night walkers out there, I've compiled for you some awesomely effective and useful all-nighter tips.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Tuition, Yay or Nay?

This topic has been greatly debated over the decades.  
Before I tell you my opinion on this, let me first explain...

What Is Tuition?
Google defines it as "teaching or instruction, especially of individual pupils or small groups." 
Tuition is basically like extra class but not at school. It's meant for students to improve in subjects they're weak in but nowadays even those doing exceptionally well go for multiple tuition classses. In my country, Malaysia, almost all students from national(government) schools go for tuition while in private & international schools almost none do. Generally, there are four classes a month with each class lasting about 2 hours. On average, tuition costs about RM60(16.63 USD) a month.

Why Is It So Popular?
The main reason is probably because the belief is that tuition = good exam results = schoarships especially in Malaysia where scholarships are literally given by the number of As you get.  I believe it is also because we Asians tend be fiercely competitive(the 3 Ks; kiasu, kiasi, kiabo) and result oriented especially when it comes to academics. Asian parents place a lot of importance on excelling academically which is not a bad thing considering the fact that academic excellence is needed for basically everything but sometimes they may go overboard. It's the thought that counts, right? 

Sunday 25 January 2015

Classical Music Playlist for Studying

I basically listened to 100 Greatest Classical Music Works from Youtube for most of my study sessions and skipped whatever I didn't like. So this is a list of the songs I liked from there and from what I listened to from a bunch of different websites.

My top ten classical music pieces for studying/cramming:
  1. The Nutcracker- Waltz of the Flowers(Tchaikovsky)
  2. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik(Mozart)
  3. The Four Seasons(Vivaldi)
  4. Violin Concerto in E minor(Mendelsshon)
  5. Ode to Joy(Ludwig van Beethoven)
  6. Symphony #5(Ludwig van Beethoven)
  7. Symphony No. 9-From The New World(Dvorak)
  8. Hold Me to This: Christopher O'Riley Plays Radiohead
  9. Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod)
  10. Moonlight Sonata(Beethoven)

Saturday 24 January 2015

Brain Booster Tip #1

Listen to classical music for about an hour a day.

It is believed to improve both concentration and focus.
This effect is known as the Mozart Effect.

Click here to go to my favourite classical music playlist.

Physics Aide-Memoire

Aide-memoire= an aid to the memory, especially a book or notes

These notes are really convenient cause they're small and can fit your pocket easily. All you gotta do is print, cut and staple. By the way, the notes start from left to right meaning that the top left corner is numero uno and the bottom left corner is number 5.

Also that inverted triangle on page four is for this
B=Boyle's Law

P= Pressure Law

C= Charles' Law


Biology students after looking at the test paper XD