
Saturday 31 January 2015

How to Pull A Kickass All-Nighter

Chances are, you've probably pulled an all nighter at least once or twice right?
And this is just my guess but it probably went a little something like this...


 I'm guessing that the day after that you probably acted a little like Princess Bubblegum over here.

Meh. No biggie. Nothing wrong with a little procrastination here and there. Right guys? Riiiiiiiight? 

Anyways, I digress. For all my fellow night walkers out there, I've compiled for you some awesomely effective and useful all-nighter tips.

Before the All-Nighter
1. Sleep as much and as long as you can like a log in fact.
2. Sleep some more.
3. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....................

During/ Right Before the All-Nighter
1. Plan your all-nighter out on paper or in your head before you start.
-Mine usually entails copying down key points on a piece of A4 paper(cause it looks neat). 
-For big step-by-step stuff, I read it a few times, until I'm pretty sure I've gotten through my thick skull and then I copy it down from memory. Then, double check it with my textbook/reference book.

2. Prepare the heavy artillery. Textbooks, reference books, exercise books, past-year questions, personal notes, index cards, iPods and most importantly... snacks and drinks.

3. Set up a few alarms(5 sounds about right).  Give about a five minute interval between each just in case you fall back asleep. Make sure you allocate enough time to eat breakfast, brush your teeth and take bath cause god knows you'll need one.

4. Snack light with food like apples, oranges, crackers, sandwiches, candy bars, chocolate and blah blah blah but no fried or fatty stuff cause it blocks your brains ability to think or what not. Don't go getting yourself a whole goddamn cheeseburger.

5. Make sure you have some cold water, soft drinks or whatever to keep you hydrated.

6. Keep the room cool. It makes the studying and staying awake a whole lot easier.

7. Your room/study should be brightly lit. It'll help keep you sharp and alert. Heck go outside and grab every spotlight you can find cause you'll be needing it.

8. Ever heard the saying "The phones away, make A's in play"? No? Huh, go figure. Basically, no phones and computers allowed. You've procrastinated enough.

9. Put on some headphones and listen to some classical music. It'll help you concentrate or focus better. But, hey, to each his own, my friend listens to EDM to study and she's 3rd in class.

10. Study the heavy stuff first and leave the easy stuff for the end.

11. Give your brain the much needed R&R it needs every hour or so for about 15 minutes. I usually spend this time watching TV or listening to the radio.

12. If you decide to end your all-nighter a little early to get some shut eye, drink some milk before you sleep. It's supposed to help you sleep properly and remember better.

Before the exam
- Take a nice cold bath
- Wipe your face with a cold and/or wet towel
- Have nice healthy and filling breakfast(half-boiled eggs & some sandwiches)
- Prepare some snack like raisins or plums(in a transparent ziplock bag so you don't look like a cheat)
- Mentally prepare your self to fail

After the Exam
-Thank God you're alive
- Sleep as much and as long as you can like a log in fact.
- Sleep some more.
- Vow to never procrastinate again
- Vow to never pull an all-nighter ever again
- Procrastinate again
-Pull an all-nighter again

Anyway, I'd be very happy if any of my awesome tips helped you bros out there and if it didn't well then...

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