
Saturday 7 February 2015

Choices, Choices, Choices...

If you read my previous post, I asked you guys to decide what you wanna do after secondary school or high school.
  • If you didn't, here are the choices:
    (A) Go to University
    (B) Go for Pre-U or STPM(equivalent to GCE A-Levels)
    (C) Take a year off studying to go for job shadowing and free online courses

If you don't know what to choose, then take this short quiz and find out.

Spoilt for Choice

Here are the choices:
(A) Go to College/University
(B) Go for Form 6 for STPM(equivalent to GCE A-Levels)
(C) Take a year off studying to go work or for job shadowing, free online courses and the like.

  1. Can you afford to go to university or college?

  2. Yes.

  3. Did you do well in your SPM/O-Levels/SAT or its equivalents?

  4. ACED IT! (Mostly A's and a few B's)
    Meh. I did okay. (Mostly B's and a few A's with maybe one/two C's)
    Pretty bad. (Mostly C's or D's and a few failed subjects)

  5. Do you excel in any extra-curricular activities? (e.g. sports, etc etc)

  6. Yup.

  7. Does your dream job require a degree?

  8. Yeah.

  9. Do you know what you want to do in life?

  10. You betcha!
    Not one bit.

If your score is
What are you even doing here? Get your ass to uni.

Go to Uni.

Can't afford to go? Didn't do well in your SPM, O-Levels or etc etc? Or maybe you just want some time to think about what you wanna do? No problem, go become a Form Sixer! Especially if your country offers it for free like mine.

8 and above-------------->(C)
Take some time off and go for job shadowing or do some courses online to find your passion. If it's because you did really bad in your exams and you can afford it, go do your SAT's again after studying for it for a year.

Well, I hope this quiz helped you in one way or another and if it doesn't I sincerely apologise. Whatever it is you choose, it should be something you won't regret 20, 30 years down line.

Another alternative to decide would be...

  1. Take a deep breath.
  2. Put your finger on any one of the choices(A/B/C/D/E) above.
  3. Now move one choice down for each word in this rhyme...

    Inky Pinky Ponky,
    Father had a donkey, 
    Donkey died, 
    Father cried, 
    Inky Pinky Ponky.
  4. Voila! Look at the choice under your finger and you're all set.

In all seriousness, if you can afford it, just go to university.
So, what do you guys think about the quiz?

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