
Friday 1 April 2016

Fun Facts

The longest word in the English Language is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis and it is an artificial long word said to mean a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust.

If you put headphones into your nostrils and open your mouth, it forms instant speakers

To play “Happy Birthday” on your phone dial 112163 112196 11#9632 969363

The University of Victoria offers a course in “The Science of Batman”

It is impossible to say “Good Eye Might” without sounding Australian

7% of all Facebook accounts belong to dogs and 4% of all accounts belong to cats

Shark foetuses fight and eat each other while still in the womb. The one that is left alive is the only one that is born.

Frozen lobsters sometimes come back to life when thawed.

The continents can be rearranged to form a chicken.

After an hour of swimming in the pool, you would have ingested 1/12 of a litre of urine.

Annually, you swallow 12 pubic hairs from fast food.

Annually, you swallow 5 insects while sleeping.

The entire Pixar staff had to take a graduate class in Fish Biology before making Finding Nemo.

Nomophobia is the fear is the fear of being without your phone or losing your signal.

About 400,000 pounds of man-made material has been left on the moon, including 96 bags of urine, faeces and vomit.

Mozart once signed a letter by saying, “By the love of my skin, I shit on your nose, so it runs down your chin”

The 2 minute storm sequence in The Little Mermaid took a team of 10 animators over a year to finish.

The man with the record for the longest penis(13.5 inches) lives at home with his mom and hasn’t been laid in over 12 years.

September 13 is International Chocolate Day.

Justin Timberlake was the voice behind the McDonald’s phrase, “I’m Lovin’ it” and was paid over 6 million for the jingle.

Search 241543903 on Google images and you will find a lot of pictures of people putting their heads into refrigerators.

The movie, “The Lion King” was supposed to be named “King of the Jungle” until the filmmakers realised that lions live on the savannah and not in the jungle.

Vending machines kill 4x as many people as sharks per year.

Ingesting a quart of soy sauce in one go can send you into a coma.

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