
Sunday 1 February 2015

Why Your Study Never Works Out the Way You Plan

Tried to study but for some magical reason you ended up doing anything but?
Maybe you're even doing it right now?

Well then, my friend, this checklist is for you.

  • Phone within sight and reach. A real big NO-NO.

  • Turn the phone off. 
    If you have an iPhone, put restrictions on it and turn off all the games and social media
    (Click here for "How to Put Restrictions on Your iPhone/iPad")

  • No touchy the computer.
  • Wi-Fi go bye-bye!
  • Lock all your phones, laptops, gaming consoles and other distracting electronics in a drawer.
    Put some sticky notes on that drawer to stop yourself if you ever feel tempted
    Just give the key to your mom for safekeeping.
  • Stay away from the television.
    The next episode of Running Man, Game of Thrones, Dr Who or Sherlock can wait.
  • No bed studying. Also, I'm psychic and I know you have a table.  (⊙‿◡)~★
  • Bed should be outta sight. Out of sight, out of mind.
  • Play some music(preferably classical)
    A radio would be best but if you're using an mp3 player, use one with no games.
  • Deactivate Facebook.
  • Deactivate Twitter.
  • Deactivate whatever other social media you are on.
    e.g. Instagram, Tumblr, Wattpad, Google +, Flixster, Flickr, Friendster, Myspace, etc etc
  • Take a break every hour or so by taking a walk or stretching and taking in some fresh air.

Well, that's it for now. In my next Tips&Tricks post, i'll be giving you my favourite study sites.
Good luck with your exams and I hope to be seeing you later! ;)

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