
Saturday 31 December 2016


Living in a small town makes you take certain things for granted and I think one of the things I never really appreciated as much as I should've is my friends.  I've known most of my friends for at least 5 years and my long time friend has been with me for 11 years now. We've all spent our days in secondary school, sometimes playing around but occasionally lending a shoulder to cry on. It's probably because I've spent practically everyday with them that I had come to take my time with them for granted by the time SPM ended. After that, I probably met up with my friends once or twice a week.

At the same time, my 62 year old father had been reuniting with old friends from days long past. As they talk about the good ol' days, I see his eyes light up. Seeing him look so nostalgic and sentimental seeing them again, I wondered to myself will I too one day come to miss these idiotic friends of mine as much as he does? Every time I thought about it, I kinda teared up. Who will I talk bout the latest anime or manga with? Who should I test my lame jokes on? Who will I have heated debates with? Will we inevitably grow apart? Will we forget all about each other and all these memories? Will there come a day when we will lose the chance to ever meet them again in this lifetime?

I met up with them as much as I could, outing after outing went by until it finally came to the last one before I had to leave for university in the US. As time raced past and the end of the outing came closer, I thought to myself, "Oh my god, I'm actually gonna miss these idiots".

Now, me and my friends aren't very sentimental kind of people, so we just threw around a bunch of jokes and on the plane I went. There was no send off or anything but I liked it that way. It meant that this wouldn't be the last time they would see me.

After getting to the US, I made new friends but whenever friends from home tagged me in posts on Facebook it still made me feel happy. It gave me the satisfaction in knowing that no matter how far apart we were, we would always be friends.

The moral of the story is appreciate the time you have to spend with your friends cause you're going to miss them. To any of my friends that might read this, I know I may get on your nerves sometimes, do things that you don't like or said something insensitive and for that I apologise. I really love hanging out with you guys and I'm really glad we met.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Indefinite Hiatus

Hey guys I will be going on an indefinite hiatus because I'm really busy with university. I'm on a scholarship and I wanna keep up with my grades so I'm gonna be taking a break from blogging. I hope to be able to do some blogging during the holidays but that's just a maybe. Talk to you guys later.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

SPM English: Part 2

How to Ace that Test!

The method you should use to improve your command of English is largely dependent on two things, your current proficiency/fluency level and how much time you have left to your main goal which is SPM. If you usually get As or Bs, you can just use the fast method. If you're getting Cs and below, use the slow method if you've got the time(6 months or more) and the fast method if you don't. Basically the general rule of thumb is no matter your proficiency level, the slow method is best. 

Tuesday 19 July 2016

SPM English: Part 1

English/Bahasa Inggeris(BI) is a core subject in SPM. It is made up of two written papers and an oral exam. It can be pretty difficult to study for this subject because like BM it's a language subject and requires a substantial amount of time(you might not necessarily have) to improve.


Paper 1
Time: 1 hours 45 minutes
Marks: 85 marks
  • Section A (30 min) - 35m
    -Directed Writing
    -Write an essay based on the given topic and the picture/graphic given.
  • Section B (1 hr 15 min) - 50m
    -Continuous Writing
    -Write on one of the five given topics

Paper 2
Time: 2 hours 15 minutes
Marks: 70 marks
  • Section A: Multiple Choice Questions- 15m
    - Stimuli & Rational Cloze (15 Questions)
  • Section B: Structure- 10m
    - Information Transfer (10 Questions)
  • Section C: Limited Response and Open Response - 25m
    - Reading Comprehension (5 Questions)
    - Summary (1 Question)
  • Section D: Literature- 20m
    - Poem (1 Question)
    - Novel (1 Short Essay Question)
* Paper 1 & 2 are marked dually by the Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia (MPM) and the GCE Cambridge O Level examination board, resulting in two scores. It is harder to score an A for the GCE board and is important for anyone wishing to study in universities abroad.

Paper 3
Based on your oral exams which are conducted by your class' English teacher.

Source: Uni Digest

---> SPM English: Part 2 <--- 
(About how to score well in the exams)

Friday 15 July 2016

SPM Bahasa Melayu: Part 2

How to Ace that Test!

The method you should use to improve your command of Bahasa Melayu is largely dependent on two things, your current proficiency/fluency level and how much time you have left to your main goal which is SPM. If you usually get As or Bs, you can just use the fast method. If you're getting Cs and below, use the slow method if you've got the time(6 months or more) and the fast method if you don't. Basically the general rule of thumb is no matter your profiency level, if you've got a lot of time use the slow method.

SPM Bahasa Melayu: Part 1

Bahasa Melayu(BM) is a compulsory pass subject in SPM because of its status as our national language. It is made up of two written papers and an oral exam. It can be pretty difficult to study for this subject because its a language subject and requires a substantial amount of time(you might not necessarily have) to improve.


Paper 1
Time: 2 hours 15 minutes
Marks: 130 marks
  • Section A (45 min) - 30m
    -Karangan Berpandukan Bahan Rangsangan(Directed Writing)
    -Write an essay based on the given topic and the picture/graphic given.
    -About 4 paragraphs
  • Section B (1 hr 30 min) - 100m
    -Karangan Respons Terbuka(Continuous Writing)
    -Write on one of the five given topics
    -About 6 paragraphs

Paper 2
Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Marks: 110 marks
4 Questions(All compulsory)
  • Question 1: Rumusan- 30m
    -Summarise the given passage based on the question.
  • Question 2: Pemahaman- 35m
    a) Petikan Umum
    b) Petikan Cerpen/Drama
    c) Petikan Prosa Klasik
    d) Petikan Puisi
  • Soalan 3: Tatabahasa- 30m
    a) Morfologi
    b) Sintaksis
    c) Ejaan
    d) Kosa Kata dan Istilah
    e) Peribahasa
  • Soalan 4: Novel/Komsas- 15m

Paper 3
Based on your oral exams(about 3) which are conducted by your class' BM teacher.

More detailed format (For all 3 papers)

(About how to score well in the exams)

Saturday 4 June 2016

Featured Video #2

A funny parody of Gotye's hit song "Somebody That I Used to Know" from College Humor about forgetting everything you learnt in high school(secondary school). My favourite part was when the teacher started singing tho. 😂👏

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Choosing the Right Book

When you're trying to improve your English, nothing is more important than getting the right book. If you start with a book that's either too easy or too hard, you'll lose interest quickly. That's the moment when most people start thinking of reading as a chore.
So, the how do you pick a book that's just right for you?
Well, I'm gonna tell just how to do that with this beautiful flowchart!
A real work of art ain't it?
Hopefully, this masterpiece flowchart will help you find the right book for you to improve your command of English. 

Tell me in the comments what you want me to post about next!

Monday 23 May 2016

How to Improve Your English

You can watch Oh My English on Astro Ceria or on Youtube.

I'm here to tell you some time tested ways to improve your command of English(both grammar & vocabulary) which are as effective as they are fun.

  1. Watch movies/series of any language(preferably the language you're fluent in) with English subtitles.
    For example, you could watch Ombak Rindu(Malay) or Kung Fu Hustle(Mandarin/Cantonese) or anime(Japanese) and turn on the English subtitles. Subtitles(official and fan made) may have grammatical mistakes so I recommend this method mainly for increasing your vocabulary.

  2. Watch English movies/series/videos.
    Watch movies in English and turn on the English subtitles/captions(for Youtube) so that you can see the spelling of hard words and how the sentences are structured. Oh My English is a show teaching English in a story format. Just watch till Season 1 because it goes downhill fast after that.

  3. Read English comic books.
    Try to buy those made by Westerners because Malaysian comics tend to use Manglish (Malay+English) which is great for comedic purposes but not so great for improving grammar. I'd recommend the Horrible History and 
    Horrible Science series which as a plus can also be used to help you study for Sejarah, Science and the Pure Sciences.

  4. Speak English as much as possible.
    So what should you do with all those awesome words you just learnt? Well, you should try incorporating those new words into your daily conversation. As the saying goes, use it or lose it! When I first learnt the word balderdash, I would irritate my entire family by saying it every few seconds(even when I was alone watching TV lol). Even if you have no new words to use you should try speaking as much as possible so that words and sentences will come easier to you when you're writing.

  5. Eavesdrop Listen in on English conversations.
    Is anybody having an English conversation nearby? Join in(esp. if it's your classmates) or just sit nearby and listen to what they're talking about especially if their English is good. 

  6. Read English novels
    Yup those books without pictures. I can literally hear all of you muttering "Freakin' bookworms" under your breath but trust me reading can be really fun. But that's only if you get the right book that suits your interest. I am pretty much book trash so I read anything other than self-help & horror(cause that shit freaks me out). Also, if you find words you don't understand in a book, take out a notebook and write down the word and its meaning(s)

    Book recommendations:

    -The Hardy Boys series(Action, Adventure, Mystery)
    -The Maze Runner series(Action, Adventure)
    -The Fault in Our Stars(Romance)

    ^Too hard?

    Try going for the stuff like the Mr. Midnight series and Ronald Dahl and Enid Blyton books. 

    ^Too easy?

    going for the stuff like Animal Farm, The Count of Monte Cristo, Robinson Crusoe, Pride and Prejudice and other classics.

Personal Opinion
I still think books are the best choice for improving your command of English(or any language for that matter) because you can take your time and change the difficulty of books you read gradually.

If you want some movie/book recommendations, just tell me what genres you like in the comments section below and I'll reply you soon. :D

Sunday 22 May 2016

Featured Video #1

Title: How to Memorize Fast and Easily
Channel: Memorize the Periodic Table

Here's a great video I found demonstrating visual memory and how it can help make memorising easier and more efficient.
My score on the verbal test was 8 and my score on the visual was 15. 

How did you do? 🤔 
Tell me in the comments! 

Sunday 8 May 2016

Driving Lessons with Satan(Part 1)

I'm going to be brutally honest. My driving instructor was downright terrible. He's either the reincarnation of the devil or Satan himself. I'm inclined to believe it's the latter. For the purposes of this article, I'll refer to him as Satan. 

For a month or so, I had been searching for a cheap driving school for a while at that point but none of them really fit the bill. Most of the driving schools were either too expensive or too far with no transport provided. Another problem was getting the right instructor. They either couldn't speak English or seemed kinda sketchy/scary. 

That's when my dad met Satan. My dad was at usual barber shop getting a hair cut and Satan happened to be sitting beside him. They exchanged numbers and we called him up for details later. Let me just tell you that it was cheap. Like really really cheap.  The full price was RM 1300 for a manual car license and an extra RM 160 if you want guarantee pass. In comparison, most of my Kuantan friends paid anywhere between RM 1500-RM 1800 and my friend in KL paid over RM 2000 without guarantee pass. Plus, he could speak (broken)English and Malay and Mandarin. We thought "This is perfect!" and signed up.

This marked the beginning of my days in hell.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

SPM Rechecks

If you read my post about my SPM results from (almost) two months ago, you might remember me mentioning that I decided not to get a recheck for my only B(Physics).

Yeah I made it sound like I made that decision easy peasy lemon squeezy with the whole Ein nope gif but it was really more like me having an existential crisis, Shakespeare-style.
That is the question,

Monday 2 May 2016

Maybank Scholarship Award: Pre-Interview Research


"Humanising Finacial Services"

Core Values
T- Teamwork
I- Integrity
G- Growth
E- Excellence & Efficiency
R- Relationship building

Important people

  • Khoo Teck Puat(Founder)
    -banker & hotel owner
    -wealthiest man in Singapore at one point
  • Datuk Abdul Farid Alias(President & CEO)
  • Dato' Mohd. Rafique Merican(Group CFO)
  • Founded on the 31st of May 1960
  • Malaysia's largest bank
    -by market capitalisation & total assets
  • One of the largest banks in South East Asia
  • Largest public listed company on Bursa Malaysia(M'sian stock exchange)
  • 2400 offices worldwide
  • More than 45,000 employees
  • Asia
    -Hong Kong
  • Outside Asia-United Kingdom
    -United States

Maybank Scholarship Award: Assessment Centre

I didn't manage to make it all the way to Stage 3, the assessment centre so I don't have any firsthand experience or tips for you guys. I'm just gonna link you guys to posts by people who actually made it there.

I have a friend who made it to the third stage so I'll try and blackmail ask her if she wants to be a guest writer. Anyways, hope to see ya soon!

Maybank Scholarship Award: Interview

About a week after the online assessment, I received a call from a Maybank employee asking me to choose a convenient date and time for stage 2 of Maybank's scholarship selection, the interview, which was pretty darn exciting to say the least. I also received an email from Maybank informing me of the dress code and required documents. 
Word Crimes: Part 2
I'll break this guideline into multiple parts so you can just skip to whichever part you're interested in.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Maybank Scholarship Award: Online Assessment

About two weeks ago I received an email(albeit riddled with grammatical mistakes) telling me that I was shortlisted for the Maybank Scholarship Award and that I had to take an online assessment(Stage 1). It is the first of three assessments that potential candidates will have to pass through to obtain the coveted Maybank Scholarship Award.

Please use your spell checker Maybank.

After an hour of completely freaking out, I spent about an hour googling "Maybank online assessment", "Maybank scholarship online test" and the like. I stumbled across a few blogs but they usually gave very minimal explanation as to how the test would actually be like. then, I kinda gave up and just went "Eh, fuck it." and dived into the test. I passed this stage(somehow).  So, while the test is still (kind of) fresh in my mind, I'm gonna tell all you future Maybank scholarship applicants about what the test was like and my tips for the test.

Deciding Your Stream

Deciding on which stream to go into is hard because frankly speaking most of us don't know jack about any of the streams when we're Form 4.  Malaysians' general perception of the streams can be summarised pretty easily:
  • Science- Geniuses
  • Arts & Sains Sukan & all vocational streams- Academically weak
  • Accounts- Future accountants
  • Other- Got some more meh?
Well, if that's what you thought please throw it out the window.
Why? Because it's complete bull and it'll cause you more harm than good.
You're doing it wrong Squidward. 
To find out what stream you're suited for, you've gotta ask yourself a few important questions.

1. What course/major do you wanna take in university?
  • Pure Science stream
    Medicine, Engineering, Pure Sciences, etc etc. Though to be really honest, if you take the science stream you can practically enter any course or stream(if you go Form 6) later on which is why most people recommend taking it.
  • Arts stream
    Law, Economics, Psychology, etc etc.
  • Accounts stream(sometimes paired with science stream)
  • Sports Science/Sains Sukan stream
  • Engineering Blueprint Drawing/Lukisan Kejuruteraan
  • Food Science
    Culinary Arts, Hospitality Management, Event Management
  • Information and Communication Technologies stream(ICT)
    Information Technology, Computer Science, Software Engineering
If you're unsure of what course you wanna take in university then start thinking about it now because it's always better to start planning earlier.

***Obviously, there are more course options for each stream but I only listed the ones with direct correlation to the stream. Also, there are actually more streams(e.g: vocational and technical school stream) than what I have listed here but I cannot possibly list them all as I do not have enough info on them. If there are more that you know of, please tell me in the comments with a short description if possible. ***

2. What's your ambition?  How sure are you that that's what you want to do?
There are two types of people and you have to know which group/category you fall into BEFORE you decide on your stream.

You're one of those people who've known what they want to do with their life since they were in their mother's womb. Okay, that's an exaggeration but you know what I mean. 

Take the stream that best suits your ambition/passion. 
You're sure of what you want to do so don't let the naysayers bring you down.

You're like me and you have absolutely no idea what you want to do OR you have an idea of what you want to do but you're really sure about yet.

Take the the Pure Science stream if you think you can handle it and by handle it I mean that you think you can at least pass all the subjects. If you don't think you'll be able to cope with the science stream then take the Arts stream. 

3. How did you do in PMR/PT3?
You have to be realistic in picking your stream. What do I mean by that? For example, if you failed Science and Maths I don't think you should be entering the Pure Science stream. 
If you can't handle Science as a single subject then taking three separate science subjects will kill you. 
That is unless you are willing to put in the effort to do well. You will have to work harder than everyone else because your foundation/basics are weaker. If you really want to then by all means enter the science stream but remember to work hard and smart. If you ever need any help/advice feel free to comment or contact me using the contact box.

No matter what stream you choose I wish you the best of luck!

Monday 18 April 2016

Maybank Scholarship Award: Overview

The Maybank Scholarship is awarded to 50 students every year which mean that it's a very very competitive scholarship. Don't let this discourage you though because there's no harm in trying. I was pretty shocked myself when I received the email to take their online assessment(more on that in my next post). For now, here are the summarised details of both the bonded and non-bonded scholarship from the Maybank's scholarship page.

Friday 1 April 2016

Fun Facts

The longest word in the English Language is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis and it is an artificial long word said to mean a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust.

If you put headphones into your nostrils and open your mouth, it forms instant speakers

To play “Happy Birthday” on your phone dial 112163 112196 11#9632 969363

The University of Victoria offers a course in “The Science of Batman”

It is impossible to say “Good Eye Might” without sounding Australian

7% of all Facebook accounts belong to dogs and 4% of all accounts belong to cats

Shark foetuses fight and eat each other while still in the womb. The one that is left alive is the only one that is born.

Frozen lobsters sometimes come back to life when thawed.

The continents can be rearranged to form a chicken.

After an hour of swimming in the pool, you would have ingested 1/12 of a litre of urine.

Annually, you swallow 12 pubic hairs from fast food.

Annually, you swallow 5 insects while sleeping.

Monday 21 March 2016

Prepping for the One Year War

How does one prepare for the horror that is Form 5?

Things you'll need:
  • Past year questions books
    -Topical or full length paper is up to your own preference
  • A lot of good pens
  • 2 mechanical pencils
    -Cause ain't nobody got time to sharpen pencils!
  • A truckload of correction tape

The Basics

Malaysians can skip this part and go to Part 2: Prepping for the One Year War

What is SPM?
The Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), or the Malaysian Certificate of Education, is a national examination taken by all fifth-year secondary school students in Malaysia.

General Certificate of Secondary Education(GCSE)
11th grade in American's K–12 (education)

What is a compulsory pass subject?
It refers to subjects which all SPM candidates have to pass. If a student fails a compulsory pass subject, he/she is considered to have failed SPM. Students can choose to retake these subjects during the SPM Ulangan if they failed it.

Compulsory pass subjects
Bahasa Melayu(BM)

What is a core/compulsory subject?
It refers a subject that must be taken by all SPM candidates. The only exceptions are Pendidikan Moral & Pendidikan Islam which depends on the students' religion and Science which is only compulsory for students in the Commerce, and Literature and Arts streams.

Core/compulsory subjects
CodeSubject (Official name)Subject (English name)Examination language
1103Bahasa MelayuMalay languageMalay
1119Bahasa InggerisEnglish languageEnglish
1223Pendidikan Islam
(For all Muslim students)
Islamic StudiesMalay
1225Pendidikan Moral
(For all Non-Muslim students)
Moral Studies (also Moral Education)Malay
1449MathematicsMathematicsEnglish and Malay
(For students in the Commerce, and Literature and Arts streams only)
ScienceEnglish and Malay

Sunday 20 March 2016

The Complete Guide to SPM

The Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia(SPM) has come and gone once again.
Now it's this year's candidates turn to start their journey to the end of secondary school.  

The candidates for this year's SPM probably have many questions for their seniors but may not have the chance to do so or may be too intimidated to ask.  So, I've decided to do a series documenting my SPM 2015 experience, my tips for acing it and some post-SPM advice too.  Hopefully it'll be if use to all you current Form 4 or Form 5 juniors out there who are scouring the net for SPM tips.

I'll link to all the post in the series here when I'm done. 

The Basics (Malaysians can skip this)

The part 1 for all the subjects are basically a summary of the format and the structure of the paper while the part 2 is the actual tips.

You can receive updates when a new post comes out on the blog by submitting your email in the "Follow by Email" widget shown below.

My SPM 2015 Results


My apologies for taking so long to update.  I've been busy with college applications and other post SPM shtuff. I still have a lot of unfinished business but I just really really wanted to tell you guys the great news.
I GOT 8A 1B!

An actual picture of me after I got my results
It isn't really an amazing result but I'm satisfied with it. 


I'm just really a little unsatisfied with that one B+ cause it's like 

I contemplated getting a recheck for the paper(Physics) but the office clerk advised me against it. He said that usually B+ rarely ever becomes an A. He said you should only do it if:

Saturday 19 March 2016

Further Study Overseas

A lot of people want to study overseas but don't know how. I'm not exactly qualified to be giving advice to anyone on studying overseas. So to get you started, I compiled a list of helpful links to guides on studying overseas.

A popular choice among sports players because of the ability to play college sports while studying and the various sports scholarships available for sports like tennis and golf.

USA Government
USA: Applications & Student Life
Studying in US V1(may be a little outdated here and there)

The country which the education system in Malaysia is most similar to so it'll be easier for Malaysian students to adapt. Leans very much to academics.

Education UK
Study in England
British Council
Studying in the UK V3

Monday 29 February 2016

Scholarships for SPM leavers

Scholarship listing pages/sites(Arranged by usefulness)
ScholarDeck - nicest UI
Lowyat Forum
Malaysia Students
Google for Education

Individual Scholarships:
Overseas and Local
Yayasan Telekom Malaysia

Astro Scholarship Programme



Great Eastern Life Malaysia
-bonded 3 yrs

The Star Education Fund

Permodalan Nasional Berhad

Malaysian Association of Private Colleges and University(MAPCU)
-has zero info on its own site but can apply thru the uni's admissions


Intel in Malaysia: Scholarship Programs
-all A+ for science and maths subjects =_=

-only available for 7 universities(Universiti Industri Selangor,Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, SEGI, UNITAR, Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS),Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan University College, UNITEN)

Hong Leong Foundation
-undergrad only

Koon Yew Yin Scholarships

Biasiswa Kecemerlangan Menteri Besar (BKMB)
-Pahang only

The Yayasan Wah Seong Scholarship Awards

Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia(PIDM)

If you guys know any more scholarships please let me know in the comments!

Monday 15 February 2016

Dropping Add Maths

This is a repost of my reply to the "Dropping Add Maths" thread on the Lowyat forum which I thought might be helpful to other students who are struggling with the same thing.
QUOTE(Robbie Lee @ Jan 31 2016, 09:21 AM)
Hi everyone, I am an Accounts Stream student studying and currently Form 5 right now. I am thinking about dropping Add Maths as it has been a burden to me ever since Form 4 started. I have scored all As for every subject except add maths, which I had never passed before. If I were to study business related courses in Uni, should I consider holding on to Add Maths? Thanks in advance for all the answers. u
I failed Add Maths all the way through Form 4 but in Form 5 I got my sh*t together and managed to scrape by with Bs Cs for the whole year. I joined every extra class for Add Maths even those for other classes. I'm just waiting for my SPM results now.

Personally, I would suggest that you stick on with Add Math until near SPM when they ask you to fill up a form declaring your subjects and decide then. You should drop it if you still cannot pass by then.

I think you might need basic Add Maths for Business majors like Management Information Systems, business systems analysis, IT management and information systems but I'm not too sure about this. It would best for you to talk to your school counselor about this. That or you can check the requirements/structure of the course you wanna take to see whether Add Maths is involved.

For now I suggest going to tuition or studying the important topics on your own.

Also, if there are any extra classes in your school for Add Maths make sure you join. Ask your Add Maths teacher to inform you whenever there is an extra class for Add Maths for any Form 4 or Form 5 classes.
Your teacher will be more than willing to help.

The Melancholy of Add. Maths

During the year-end holidays in 2014, I kinda accidentally let it slip that I had been failing my Add Maths all through Form 4 to my aunt who is a Form 6 Add. Maths teacher in Singapore. *dramatic music plays
She then offered to give me intensive Add. Maths tuition while I was there(on holiday). Obviously, I was less than excited for this but it's not like I could refuse with my parents staring daggers into my back and all.

Thus, began my 3-day long, morning to night Add. Maths tuition. My schedule(and I kid you not) was basically:

Breakfast --> Add. Maths --> Lunch --> Add. Maths --> Dinner --> Add. Maths --> Sleep

Rinse and repeat.
It was pure torture.

How to Pass Undang Test

Static Driving Test a.k.a Undang/ Ujian Statik/ Ujian Komputer JPJ
As you might already know from reading my previous post, I scored 49/50 for my static driving test and now I'm here to tell you how to ace/pass that test! 

First, here are the basics of the test:
  1. There are two tests. One is for people who are trying to get a car license only and the other one is for both car and motorcycle license.
    -Car license only(50 questions)
    -Car and motorcycle license(70 questions)
  2. The pass mark for the:
    -Car license only test is 42/50
    -Car and motorcycle license test is 56/70
  3. The test is divided into 5 parts:
    -Ujian Buta Warna / Colour Blind Test
    -Ujian Huruf, Nombor dan Warna / Numbers, Letters and Colours Test
    -Bahagian A / Section A(15 soalan)
    -Bahagian B / Section B(25 soalan)
    -Bahagian C / Section C(10 soalan)
  4. If you fail the Ujian Buta Warna / Colour Blind Test, you will automatically fail the entire test.
  5. If you fail the Ujian Buta Warna / Colour Blind Test, you have to go to a hospital and get a doctor's letter stating that you are not colour blind.
  6. If you fail the first and second time, you have to pay RM30 to retake the test.
  7. If you fail 3 times, you have to pay RM11 to take the written test.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Undang test... ACED!

Well guys I just took the JPJ KPP Ujian Teori untuk Motokar earlier today and I PASSED!


The only downside is I scored 49/50 which, don't get me wrong, is a freaking awesome score if I may says so myself but that means I was ONE POINT AWAY from FIFTY RINGGIT!! GRRRRR!!!!!

What am I talking about?
Well... the owner of my driving school offered the following amounts for perfect scorers

RM100 if you finish in 5 minutes
RM50 if you finish in 10 minutes        
RM20 if you finish at any time


Monday 4 January 2016

The Only Study Advice You Will Ever Need

After 11 years of education, I have found that the most effective way of studying is...

Write notes then do questions. 
Lots and lots of questions.

Yup that's about it. 

You might ask me 
"What about tuition? Does that help?" 
Of course it does! 
But what do you do in tuition?

Write notes then do questions. 
Lots and lots of questions.


If you have the drive, you can do that at home by yourself. 
If you're like me (a lazy vegetable), tuition is a good way to get you off your ass and on the table.

A+  =  Writing lots of notes and doing lots of questions. 

For a more on what I think of tuition, read this post from a while back.