Here are some of my declassified studying tips to make sure you can actually retain all or, at least, most of what you learn in class so you won't ever have to feel like that again.
3. Jot down any important points after/during class.(I usually do it at home.)
4. It's not for everyone but for some people(like me!), visual aids and mnemonics help a lot. Some things you can try:
- Drawing comics related to the subject
- Using acronyms (e.g. BODMAS)
- Relating it to real life- the sillier the real life example is, the easier it becomes to remember. (e.g. things expand when they are hot but contract when they are cold. In real life when you feel hot, you'll extend your arms and legs and when you're cold you'll curl up)
- Using analogies
- Using flashcards
- Making a catchy song
P.S: Don't bother trying to memorise by reading and rereading. That only works for people with supercalifragilisticexpialidocious memory. (Now, that was a real mouthful.)
7. A month or two before a major exam buy a past year exam questions book(preferably in exam style and not chapter-by-chapter) for whatever subject that you need and complete the entire book. Calculate your score for every paper if it's less than the A or B mark, redo the whole test again until you get it. (I had to redo an entire History exercise book 4x but I'm damn sure you'll do better.)
Well, that's about it for now but I'll try and update this post from time-to-time if I find more tips.
See ya soon people!
Bye-bye T--T |
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